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Posts Tagged ‘Beth Revis’

A Million Suns by Beth Revis

Posted by Caitie F on March 25, 2012

TItle: A Million Suns
Author: Beth Revis
Hardcover: 386 pages
Pub Date:  January 10, 2012
Publisher: Razorbill (Penguin)
Rating: +++++

Summary from goodreads:

Godspeed was once fueled by lies. Now it is ruled by chaos. It’s been three months. In that time, Amy has learned to hide who she is. Elder is trying to be the leader he’s always wanted to be. But as the ship gets more and more out of control, only one thing is certain: They have to get off the ship.


I absolutely loved the first book in this series, Across the Universe. So much so that I didn’t just review it, I told you Ten Reasons Why You Had To Read It. So if you still haven’t read that book, go back and see why you should. I actually somehow loved this book even more.

I have another ten reasons then you need to read this book, but I will just highlight some of the best aspects. The rest of this review will have spoiler to the first book.

Amy’s struggle continues is a way that feels real. So often, characters seem to forget the bad that has happened and finds other motivations. Not Amy. She is still dealing with her parents being frozen and visits them almost everyday. When she makes decisions, that is one of her first considerations. It may make her seem stubborn, but I think it just shows a character that actually acts how a real person acts.

She also doesn’t forget the bad that has happened on the ship. In the first book, a character named Luthor attempts to rape her. It is only an attempt. She still struggles with it in this book. She si scared of him, she is scared to tell anyone what happened, even Elder. She can’t stand to be near him, especially since he still tries to harm her and has raped another young woman when he failed to rape Amy. When she finds out about the other woman, she tries to help her in anyway. Gives her support, even let’s her get a little revenge. I am not saying she deals with it in an ideal way, but I just find the entire story of it to be very powerful. It may be triggering to others who have had that happen to them, but it is one of the most impactful handles of the situtation in YA since Speak.

That isn’t the only situation handled with beauty and power. Elder has decided to take everyone off of the drug that was controlling them. As one can imagine, not everyone is grateful. Suddenly, people don’t want to go to work. They are depressed. They are angry. They can finally do what they want and a rebellion starts to rise. Elder has a lot of decisions to make as a leader and he does the best that he can. He does a lot right and some things wrong, and he is a young man trying to find a balance.

Even the relationship between Amy and Elder feels like it is realistic and not just s story romance. Amy is always thinking about wanting a choice in the matter. She has to decide if she should forgive him for what he has done previously (unplugging her in the first place). She has to forgvie for things he says and does in this books. She has to tfigure out if she really likes him, or if it is jsut because he is the only one her age on the entire ship. Everything is a choice and she uses her power of choice well.

I really love the characters in this book, but the plot is exciting, the writing is very good, and the mystery of who is trying to sabotage everything is intriguing. I figured it out early, but I don’t think everyone will.

Overall, this is a great book and I know I will be reading the next book in the series when it comes out January 2013!

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10 Reasons to Go Read Across the Universe by Beth Revis

Posted by Caitie F on January 19, 2011

Title: Across the Universe 
Author: Beth Revis
Hardcover: 398 pages
Publisher: Razorbill (Penguin Teen)
ISBN: 9781595143976
Year Released:
Rating: +++++

Summary (from me):

Earth is having problems. Major problems. Scientists have found that there is an inhabitable planet 300 years away and are sending the leading scientists, leaders, and strategists, frozen so when they reach the planet they can lead. Both of Amy’s parents are chosen, she can go with them, and they will all wake up in about three hundred years.

Except things don’t quite work out that way. Amy is woken up early and thrown into a society that she can’t understand, complete with a false history of the world. Elder is the next leader and has been with her from when she first woke up. Together, they try to find out who is trying to unfreeze the officials, what Eldest is trying to hide, and why no one else on the ship notices how wrong everything is.


I am doing this review differently –I am sure you have seen a ton of reviews. Here are the top 10 reasons you should read Across the Universe. *Any spoilers are from the first hundred pages, and don’t really spoil anything

1. Writing

When I first started my internship at Writer’s House, it was hard to tell what was good enough to show the agent. To help me see, the person I was working with email me the first 50 pages of this book. The writing was so far above anything I saw in my four months there. It is even better than it was then. It is one of the best-written young adult books I have ever read, it may be the actual best.

2. Amy’s struggle

Amy has decided to give up her life: friends, Earth, the rest of her family, just to be with her parents. Suddenly, she doesn’t even have them. If they arrive in 50 years, she will be an old woman and they will still be the same age as they were on Earth. It is always on her mind and is a great central, internal issue she must deal with.

3. Genre

This may be the most accessible science fiction book I have read. It is science fiction, there is no question, but it is written and crafted in a way that people who don’t enjoy the genre will enjoy this book. It is a science fiction book that is being marketed to young women! There is action, mystery, and romance. I would love to see the idea catch on, and this is a great place to start!

4. Elder

Elder also faces a great internal struggle. He needs to learn how to be a leader, while discovering what is really happening with the ship and the people. Every decision he makes impacts everyone. He is bright, curious, and strong, and watching him realize that is amazing.

5. Amy

Amy is a great character. She is so strong, but also vulnerable. Remember how in the last Harry Potter book Harry asks if death hurts and you were reminded that he is really just a kid? Revis never lets you forget that Amy is only a teenager going through something extremely difficult. But she is brave and caring. I love Amy

6. Frex

Are you sick of saying “Frak” like they do in Battlestar? Well you have a new word to use “Frex”. It is obviously a nod to Battlestar and it used the same way. Next time I am angry, I may just tell someone to go frex themselves.

7. Anger

If you have any pent-up anger, read this book and take it out on some of the characters! Eldest admires Hitler. Yes, you read that correctly. You will probably want to punch him (and a few others) for most of the book. But they are all great antagonists and you can see why they make some of the decisions they do.  

8. Mystery

The mystery element of the book is great. I figured it out earlier than they did, but watching them get to that point was exciting and had me guessing at parts. The clues are all there, but even as the reader, I had to dig and analyze to figure it out.

9. “Woah moments”

Do you know what I mean? It is those times you have to stop reading and you just go “Woah”. There were TONS of those moments in this book. I would say at least 10.

10. Wraps up well

Even though this is a series, the first book stands well on its own. There is no big cliffhanger or issue that the reader knows about but the characters don’t. There is a “to be continued” feel, but not a “screaming at your book” feel.

This is a fantastic debut from Revis and I cannot wait to read the rest of the series. Books like this are why I want to work in publishing.

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Across the Universe Release and The “Launch” of the Good Ship Godspeed!

Posted by Caitie F on January 11, 2011

This is the most excited I have been about a release since Harry Potter. I got the chance to read the first 50 pages of this novel while I was at my internship. it was the example of what is “good enough” to send on to the agent. And WOW was it amazing. I wanted to read the rest right away. I have been waiting for 10 months and the wait is finally over!

Penguin has been doing an awesome job pushing this amazing book, so I wanted to join them in the release date festivities!

Here are a few things you should check out and if they don’t convince you to check out this book, nothing will!

Beth Revis did a did for today

The Launch of the ship. You can check out the ship by heading to the Penguin site. It is so cool to see all the different levels of  the ship. I think the farm is pretty awesome!

The did a fantastic trailer 

If you want more on the book there are plenty of places to check out.

The Across the Universe facebook page

The Across the Universe website

Beth’s website, blog (that has had some amazing giveaways), and twitter (she is super fun to follow on twitter!).

If that hasn’t convinced you, head over to They will be posting a 111 pg excerpt from 11:11 AM Eastern to 11:11 PM Eastern on 01.11.11.

You can check out more on from Penguin Teen by looking at their site, twitter, and facebook fan page, which I highly recommend because they are doing a lot to promote their books!

I am heading to get my copy tonight as long as the snow holds off! I really look forward to reading and reviewing this book and the rest of the books in the series!

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